Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today was another one of those rather busy days with a variety of tasks to accomplish; from unloading a glaze kiln and loading another, carving several plates, tooling several wall bowls and covered serving bowls to throwing some larger pasta bowls. Add into the mix a visit from our roofer regarding an ongoing issue and the time really does just evaporate. Little by little I am making inroads into getting done what needs to be finished with a deadline for an inventory of work to be delivered by Friday (well, most likely Sunday!).
Illustrated is a plate and a covered serving bowl in my "Falling Leaves" design. The idea for these pots come from early Korin/Kenzan Rimpa pottery as well as those of the 20th century master, Kitaoji Rosanjin. Given the way the leaves and seasons are changing, it came out of the kiln at about the right time.
"Occupation is the scythe of time."  Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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