Friday, January 25, 2019


The box is inscribed IGA STYLE CHAWAN but I think it is quite easy to look at this piece and see that it has Iga written across the entire surface. Made in Gifu Prefecture by Mizuno Takuzo, despite being a traditional Mino potter, he created a wide array of distinct wood fired pots that center around Mino-Iga and Iga style pottery. This Iga style chawan is a typical example of Mizuno's unglazed, haikaburi style wood fired pieces that despite being made miles away from Iga have many of the tell tale signs of that distinct pottery excepting the clay body which is much more Mino in origin. The face of this chawan has that medieval presence that I am very fond of that at first glance defies its age with running ash giving way to the rough surface underneath with areas of spatula work and other slight manipulation giving an overall depth and sense of movement to the piece. The green ash highlights the undulating lip and stoic form which balances very well with the exposed clay color of the kodai. I can't help but think that this purposeful pot is an honest combination of both style and substance all in the guise of a rather forthright "Iga style" chawan.