Friday, February 7, 2025


I posted this photo up covered in some Xmas trapping back for Christmas and thought to present it in a more uncluttered fashion. This intricately glazed Shino oval baker form is adorned with a solo fish motif and just enough other glaze accents to bring the piece and its imagery to life. Made by Bruce Gholson, sometime in the 1990s, this was a last-minute Christmas gift that we purchased for each other as finding pots in this style seems to be a bit less easy than expected. At over 21” long this makes for a wonderful using piece as well as just looking darn good just sitting around and collecting dust. As I mentioned previously, I was first exposed to Bruce’s work way back at the American craft Gallery in Cleveland, Ohio and we have moved his pieces from location to location over the years and though I am not relishing any more moves, I could be perfectly fine with finding another Gholson pot or two.