is just something magical about wood-fired pots and this Iga-yaki tebachi,
handled bowl, is certainly not exception. You have to admire the way the slight
upgrade in the lip which borders the bowl, acted as a barrier, collecting the
ash as it was forced past the pot in the velocity of the fire, pooling to frame
the pot in a rich green bidoro. Though the lip acted as a dam, the build up pushed the ash, cascading into the form creating streams which pooled in the center and
created this glassy surface. Once again the simplicity of the tebachi, belie
the experience and engineering that went into the pot, knowing just where to
create certain lines and where to put the pot in the kiln. In this case, the
experience and know how is from master Iga potter, Kojima Kenji and the simple
pot is the culmination of trial and error and a great many years of making pots,
studying Ko-Iga and wrestling a degree of control out of the flame which help
define these pots as modern day Iga-yaki. Looking at this piece, it is easy to
see the poetic nature of the fire, written static on the pot's surface in dazzling green bidoro.