Wednesday, June 12, 2024


I really didn't have a lot I needed to get done today (for orders or commissions) so after throwning for a while at the end of the day, I switched over to white stoneware and porcelain to get a handful of test pieces made in order to escalate some ongoing glaze combo testing. As you can see there are a group of sandy, small back clay faceted guinomi along with some waisted yunomi and even a larger, waisted teabowl that will have thick slip apllied. I will be using these as tests for glazes that I currently use with additional glazes and washes built up to see what the overall effects will be and I predict a fair amount of movememnt when I am using several glazes and several washes to boot. Currently one of the Oribe glazes, the Kuro-oribe is actually two glazes with several washes on top and I am moving that theory forward to the amber and my older temmoku glaze to see where I end up with by throwing everything and the kitchen sink at them. As I mentioned, I expect a lot of movement and running so once glazed and loaded into the kiln, each will have its own, individual tile to rest on to protect the shelves and give me some small measure of confidence that shelves and pots will not become one.