Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Every now and again I have the impulse to make smaller thrown covered box forms, be they fluted, faceted, stamped, slipped or in this case ringed. Part of the goal is to fit these pieces in between larger pots and filling in space that may otherwise remain empty and a lose kiln is an unhappy kiln. This particular covered box form was made by way of cheating a bit, once thrown and then basically tooled, I further tooled in the concentric circles surround the piece on the body and lid to keep them unified in surface. I call these "cingitur bocis" (ringed box) partly after an abstract I read years ago about a 17th century astronomer waiting on his proof that Saturn had rings but don't quiz me because without doing a google search most of the details are either long gone or buried so deep I may short cuircuit trying to dig out the info. At any rate the idea is simple enough and generally speaking depending on the glazing the high points of the ridges shows a bit differently than the recesses making for a nice contrast. At the end of the day I am not quite sure what you would do with such a box though it would hold a healthy ration of peanut butter M&M or your four favorite golf balls.