Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Today was another one of those busy days, besides firing a glaze kiln there was making a few pots, glazing up a group of pieces for another firing and putting together several tests. We had to wait on a delivery truck, the kind that can come anytime between 10am and 2pm. Since the day really got away from me, I decided to post the second katakuchi and matching cup as a quick post. This is obviously not a large piece, thrown out of stoneware and covered in black and white decoration, I went with the soda blue glaze on this set which worked well with the simple decoration and forms. There is one last katakuchi, actually the first one of the series, it is currently in the glaze fire and is glazed in Oribe with thick hakeme panels on either side but it does not have a matching cup. If it comes out half-way decent I will likely make a couple of cups to go with it as it is generous enough to be used by two. Back to the studio to keep my eye on the kiln.