Friday, November 6, 2020


This photo is one of the many that I took during my stay in Japan back in the early 90s. When I first arrived at the home and studio of Kohyama Yasuhisa he was busy selecting and then packing pieces for his upcoming exhibition that was being held in The Netherlands though this piece was not one of them if I remember correctly as this one was for a Takashimiya exhibit. This large and evocative vase form, object was in the formal greeting room at Kohyama's home with traditional alcove and tatami mat floors with this piece and another in the corner filled with fresh cut flowers (I have the picture of that as well somewhere). I was immediately taken by this elemental and even archaic quality of this vessel which had a dazzling but thin coat of green ash melted across the surface causing it to sparkle and luminesce  as you moved around it. Though a bit hard to see in the photo there is incised fine line decoration on the surface on the front and back shields of the vase that just make it look like something from the long distant past now covered in a thin coating of ice. My stay at Kohyama's was a grand experience and being around pots like this certainly made the stay all the richer.