Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Though I have been a bit bogged down in throwing and decorating terra cotta I have been accumulating both stoneware and porcelain pieces thrown at the end of the day with no idea as to potential scheduling of completetion. Working and building up pots is a rather common thing here with pots sometimes hanging around for two months or so in the green stage as more occasional pieces are added to the growing list.Though at this moment I have no idea when I will get to the 40+ or so pieces, I took sometime this afternoon and decorated a few of them using black and white backgrounds and wax resist. At the moment the glazing thought process is to use the soda blue, amber and Oribe to highlight the surfaces and pieces but anything and everything is subject to change.     

The illustrated covered jar with small finial is thrown out of stoneware and is likely to be glazed in the soda blue. The form is rather simple, streamlined with a notched foot, applied knob and a decoration the compliments the pot and should be just the right amount of contrast to add movement once glaze fired. Of course working with a runny glaze on a straight-sided pot can certainly spice up the dynamic but I will wad the lid and fire it with the feet resting on small slivers of soft brick, what's the worst that can happen?