is a thrown, altered and hacked at square teabowl that I posted up a while back
just after it was freshly slipped. The finished product shows the heavily
fluted bowl glazed with an Oribe glaze and areas of thick, deep green running diagonally
following the flutes around the bowl. I was able to encourage the glaze running
by brushing an added layer or black iron over the ridge areas and you can see
the results. As you may guess this is a large teabowl and though it was made as
such, I suspect it can fill just about any function you put your mind to from
filling it with dip to standing upright biscotti in it. There was something a
lot of fun about squaring up this form, getting the exterior lines just right
and then just quickly and asymmetrically fluting the surface bringing a slight
amount of chaos to an otherwise well planned out geometric form. "From
chaos, comes order." Nietzsche