As an artist in clay and ink, there is a
tremendous amount one can say about Fujihira Shin (1922-2012), let it suffice
to say he followed his inner voice and by doing so, others gathered round to
see what he and his works had to say. Filled with elements of lyrical
narratives, his spontaneous and playful work was imbued with a spirited naiveté
that was infectious. Beyond the playfulness and whimsy, it is passion at the
core of Fujihira's work; a passion for clay, imagery, storytelling and most evidently
in the making. It is hard to look at these pieces and not feel the exuberance
and ardor of the maker.
Though Fujihira Shin is mostly associated with hand
built or coil built pottery, he did throw occasionally and the illustrated
tsubo is just such an example. Made earlier in his career, this small ao blue
tsubo is beautifully decorated with incised persimmons surrounding the form.
Appearing like they are ripe and ready to pick, these crisp delicacies are a
popular food and image used throughout Japan and many times makes on think of the sometsuke of Kondo Yuzo. The decoration
was rendered in a crisp manner imitating the fruit itself and the glaze has
cooperated to deepen the color of the incised design and add dimension and
movement to not only the fruit but the pot as well. Though a rather common
design, Fujihira has captured the nature of the persimmons and his passion for
the process all in one small blue glazed pot.
"Passion though a bad regulator, is a
powerful spring." Ralph Waldo Emerson