Wednesday, May 1, 2024


In a previous firing I decided to give several different glazes on combed or carved white slip over black slip a crack (bad choice of words for a potter?) and this is the soda blue example. The combing is a bit lazy allowing the decoration to change tempo as it goes around the slipped flange of the bowl which I like a bit more than a constant and even design. The bowl was thrown out of stoneware and measures just about 11" across now and allong with the other two pieces, one in amber and one in Oribe style green came out looking fine in their new colored duds. Though on the back burner I am planning to make plates, bowls, covered serving pieces and covered jars in these color schemes moving forward but as age has taught me that caution, planning and testing should proceed before just glazing up a kiln load and hoping for the best. 

"The more complicated and powerful the job, the more rudimentary the preparation for it."  Wm. F. Buckley Jr.