Friday, May 24, 2024


I am not sure if it was intentional or not, but there is a fair degree of whimsy and amination to this pot with perhaps just a pinch of Theodor Geisel thrown in for good measure. Cutting quite the impression the sturdy, stable base acts as a counterweight to the large, flaring mouth and casually applied ears to either side of the neck. Made by Sakauchi Ensen from Okayama prefecture, he refers to his style of work as Hisoku-Nanban-yaki or "secret color unglazed pottery" which is rather fitting for this slightly unorthodox and idiosyncratic surface and work. While the face shows off a rather verigated texture composed of dark, almost black tones it gives way to running areas of copper green around the base of the pot while also peeking out from behind the mottling of the darker surface. The rear of the pot has a more classical surface presenting a more traditional Bizen appearance with just hints of copper green wrapping around the edges and rich, glassy brown ash cascading off the shoulder. Over the years I have encountered a number of Sakauchi's work and must admit I am never 100% sure what I will see from fairly conservative hohin teapots, chawan and guinomi with formal and conservative lines to unique and animated pots like this vase where imagination and determination have coalesced to create a new ripple within the Bizen tradition thanks to the ingenuity of Sakauchi Ensen. 

"Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein