Monday, November 28, 2016


Illustrated is a quick photo I took a short while back after our trip to southern CT to deliver pots to several galleries and though not what traditionally springs to mind, this meeting of East and West worked perfectly. As with our trips in the past we make our way in to Guilford to a nice wine shop we like and who's owner is rather knowledgeable, to Nick's Place for cheeseburgers and onion rings and right next door to Meriano's Bakery for cannoli. There were originally five cannoli but we split one on the way home from CT so the photo shows the remaining four with an unknown Oribe hachi as a backdrop. I suspect I could have fit quite a few more cannoli on the hachi but we couldn't have eaten them fast enough and quite certainly five was more than enough of an indulgence as it was!
"Can one desire too much of a good thing?"  William Shakespeare (As You Like It)