Monday, February 5, 2018


I like making usable, functional pots. Aside from my original inclinations, working along side three Leach pupils helped solidify exactly what that means and though I go off script from time to time, as both collector and potter, function is what interests me the most.  This small stoneware yunomi is a fair example, though intended for beverages, it can accomidate a number of useful applications from spirits to any snacks and just about anything in between. The throwing is rather straight forward with incised lines around the form creating a hint of quilting. The impressed marks around the cup makes it just a bit more tactile and activate the surface as well as trapping some of the running ash glaze creating a translucency that hints at the clay beneath. The combination of the ash glaze over temmoku is a good, sturdy surface that should hold up to day to day use for quite a long while and in it the user gets to see new things daily carrying on  a nice conversation between cup, tea and user.