Monday, February 19, 2024


Quite some time ago, 2012 to be exact, I put up a dealer's photo of a classic Furutani Michio Iga mizusashi and now here is an impromptu photo of the same mizusashi showing off the opposite side in situ. I am sure there is a wide array of superlatives that could be used to describe this piece but I will use a few; classic, modern archetype and elementally rustic. What is abundantly clear in this photo and the previous one is that this strong, sturdy form is like a completed puzzle of details that bring life to the piece from the casual potter's marks, the lugs, the lid and knob surrounded by a vivid lake of pure green glass. Through a carefully crafted blend of experience, happenstance and firing acumen, Furutani Michio's pottery stand out among his contemporaries helping to bring a tradition well into the 21st century and leaving behind a tremendous body of work which can be enjoyed at face level of act as an ongoing tool to teach modern potters what it means to have dedicated a lifetime to the dual traditions of Iga and Shigaraki pottery.       

You can see the original 2012 post by following this link;