Monday, March 4, 2019


Admittedly, the beginning of the year can be rather slow in terms of orders, re-orders, commission etc. especially as yet another gallery has closed its doors. Several weeks back I received a phone call asking me when I was going to pick up my remaining work, six pieces, all terra cotta. I asked what was the matter and then silence and I was given over to the gallery manager at Eureka Crafts in Syracuse, this was their last week in business as a bustling retail area had been converting over to restaurants and other edible specialties. I made arrangements and went and picked up my pots and it was a somber moment for a gallery in business since 1982 and had been carrying my work since 1992 (?). Though at various times they had carried my stoneware, they had principally carried my terra cotta works; slipwork, abstrakt resist and "It's Still Life" among others, a great outlet for my work and that of a number of other crafts people and jewelers. Not having had any advance warning, I was surprised and now just a bit melancholy over the end of an era, Eureka was a wonderful gallery run by wonderful people, crafts people. The work weeks starts, the wheel keeps on spinning and terra cotta pots need making.

Illustrated is a medium size, high walled serving bowl made out of terra cotta with black slip, incised decoration and white "tama" additions.