Monday, July 15, 2024


Illustrated is a Kuro-Bizen guinomi by Oiwa Tomoyuki who apprenticed under Kakurezaki Ryuichi and his influence is rather clear. This guinomi is of a generous size and the rather interesting and engaging form which has a rather evocative surface and despite its name, there is quite a bit of blue encasing this diminutive pot. Perhaps what attrects me the most to the piece is the hap-hazard and casual way it was thrown, moving clay, distorting the lip and waist in the process but  the foot is crisp and sharply cut, I like that contridiction. For being such a small piece, this Bizen guinomi is filled with little details and features that make a rather pleasing presentation and though it has not been used, it has a nice, warm tactile feel that works well in my hand and my wife's and she is considerably smaller than me. All in all a nice balanced package that shows equal part of Oiwa Tomoyuki, his master and centuries of tradition all wrapped up in 6 x 6.5 centimeters.