I believe I got my first water blue glaze formula from Kirk Mangus or Linda Arbuckle in 1993 and I started working with the glazes and had a show of the first successful works in 1994. I used a fritted egg shell white and a rich red earthenware as my clay bodies. I made larger water jugs, pitchers, serving bowls, teabowls and teapots. I found the glaze just irresistible. Over the years I have continued to play with several “water blue” glazes and have tended to work with small intimate pots.
As a collector, modern pottery in Persian blue glazes are among my favorite. I particularly likes the works of Kato Kenji, Kato Takuo and Matsumoto Saichi. All three work in a style reminiscent of older Islamic pottery with a slightly modern twist. Good modern Persian influenced work is not seen to often, but when you see it you recognize it immediately.