Monday, January 8, 2024


The can be elegance in function, beauty in utility and I think thid covered bowl is a study in those attributes. Beyond all of the attention of use from sturdy form and foot, strong lip, generous volume and eye catching handle terminating the lid, Bruce Cochrane has considerind the aesthetics in funtion to create a structure that invites use and satisfies the eye and fingertips. The design of the evocative form is contained by a simple and effective texture that is completed by a wonderful and subtle glaze choice that not only accentuates the minute topography of the body and lid but glistens, perpetually wet and draws the inquisitive viewer in for a more thorough inspection. To complete and compliement this covered pot, the very top of the lid is concave with and well concieved handle bridging the depressed area. I think it is quite easy to use various superlatives in regards to Bruce's work but to my mind, once you have seen and handled his very thoughtful vessels, utilitarian of otherwise, there is quite a bit to be said about these deceptively simple object where consideration takes a front seat in driving his creations. 

I made this short video to try to convey what this pot is like in person and hope it speaks the most convincingly for itself.