Friday, February 12, 2021

EC vs WC

This haikaburi, Shigaraki style chawan used to belong to a good friend of mine before he packed his bags and moved cross country. I had admired the bowl while he owned it and when he decided to part with it, it ended up on my desk at some point and sat for this impromptu portrait in all natural lighting that streams in a big double window. made by Suzuki Goro this chawan is a slight diversion from his wide array of glazed works but there are a number of unglazed haikaburi pots in his arsenal of surfaces. Thrown and slightly manipulated out of what appears to be a Shigaraki clay, the pot face has a nice blend of ash and fumed wetness that has that feudal, old feeling to it while somehow still being a modern chawan. As mentioned Suzuki Goro has shown some restraint in his throwing and overall manipulation of this bowl making for a solid and anywhere in time classic that is more than welcome to hang out on my desk anytime it feels so inclined.