I got the bisque unloaded and everything cleaned off early this morning. Everything made it and from there, got the jars/lids waxed and what ever else needed waxing, waxed as well. Glazes are all mixed, overglazes all ready and I was off and running.
I glazed the wall bowls first as I need to pour the glaze into a wide container, they are about 17” across and the glaze buckets are a bit narrow. I have the porcelain bowls in the bisque kiln on low, heating them up a bit. I throw my porcelain on the thin side and unless you heat the bowls up so the glaze dries fast, you run into a myriad of problems. I get the wall bowls, the porcelain carved bowls, some bottles, a group of large cap jars, soup bowls and some teabowls all glazed in their primary glaze and need them to dry before putting a second or third glaze on them. The clear glazed bowls are cleaned and put aside, at least those are completed.
Tomorrow is another day of glaze fun. I need to get secondary glazes on 80% of the pots. Once dry, some get third glazes, but most get cleaned off and set aside, ready to load in the kiln, which I hope to do tomorrow evening at the latest. Though it seems unbelievable, I am actually still on track to fire on Friday, though I won’t count my pots before they are fired.
(Picture is of one of 4 tables I use when glazing)