Wednesday, March 10, 2021


I found this chawan on the ubiquitous auction site a while back and despite being an older example I liked the pot and the variety of surface activity that it displays. Made by Kon Chiharu back in the mid-1990s, this pot was made in Niigata but is clearly Shigaraki in design with a generous coating of ash on the face and on the interior back wall as well as running ash moving what appears to be horizontal in nature due to the way the pot was fired. I like the movement of the surface which animates the bowl form and the addition of the shell scars and foot perpetually wet from the ash help create a bowl that has something to look at with every turn of the bowl despite its age. I put together this quick video slideshow to help fill in the blanks and give a full picture of what the bowl is like in hand, hope it does just that.