Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Coming out of the shadows or even a bit like a partial eclipse, this thick and crazed feldspar vase reluctantly appears before the viewer presenting form and surface that paints an evocative landscape. There is something so ethereal and contemplative about the works of Yasuda Zenko that is unlike few others; these pieces are like connective tissue from mind to pure emotion and even a sense of totality. Filled with elegance and raw energy here that despite the deceptively simplicity of works of this style and nature, time falls away like melting snow and the complexities of life are narrated in three dimensions if you allow it to happen. I find there is a tremendous sense of solitude and solemnity imbued within the simple elements of clay and fire on display where a pot lives within the view and grasp of the observer. I can't honestly say that I know the intent and reason behind these drifting cloud pots by Yasuda but I can relate how they communicate with me even though I suspect the dialogue is presumably  just at its beginning.