Friday, December 11, 2020


I have had this short video slideshow on the hard drive for some time and thought it was as good a day as any to put it up on Youtube and my blog. This yuteki style, partridge feather guinomi was made by veteran iron glaze specialist Kimura Morikazu and shows off just one of the myriad of styles and surfaces that he mastered along his long career which started out in Kyoto before he moved off to Echizen. This nice yuteki-temmoku guinomi has a nice array of features and effects that creates a rich tapestry to enjoy and bringing to mind the hagoromo, the feathered cloak. I hope this slideshow as short as it is helps fill in the blanks of the form, surface and subtleties of this guinomi by Kimura Morikazu and is the next best thing to having in hand.