Friday, August 9, 2019


Back when I was a kid I distinctly remember seeing a "video" of one of the planets that was actually a composite, video slideshow which showed the planet spinning, frame by frame, 360°.  As I was looking through a series of photos that I took of a particular Tsukigata Nahiko Shino chawan, I realized that I should have enough images to do exactly the same thing, spin the bowl in an incremental frame by frame perspective and figured why not give it a whirl. The chawan in question is one of the high footed and broad bowl forms with a rich red pocked surface and areas of calligraphic style decoration where the iron slip was resisted prior to glazing. Using existing photos, I tried to edit them each to the same size and orientation and did the best I could with the photos I had on hand so please bear in mind this test video was just made for fun. I realize a good video may be better though I suspect it will give a certain degree of insight as to what the bowl looks like in its entirety and how the posture of the piece changes from second to second, enjoy.