Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Every now and again I find myself going back to move forward, not exactly to the drawing board but rather to a way and style of working that I have moved away from. In this case, though I am constantly working in terra cotta which is about 80% of my out-put, I decided to do some black and white combed slip pieces in an Oribe and an amber glazed surface using stoneware. For the firing this covered jar came out of I made about a dozen or so covered jars, all black and white slip, some trailed, others brushed and combed in sized from about 12" to 15" in height. 

This particular jar was slipped and combed and has two lids, the interior lid and the exterior one that fits over the neck of the pot. I was, am pleased with how they came out and really like the pattern created by the comb showing up as a rich, darker color through the transparent Oribe glaze. In many respects a see a lot of my old mentor Bill Klock in these pots together with the wide array of historic pottery made in this style with a hint of a Japanese flair through the use of an Oribe style glaze. These were rather enjoyable to make, I like the honesty and directness of such pots and I hope that I circle back to making a few more pieces including larger jars and plates/bowls in the near future as now that my wife has snagged one of these jars she informed me she needs a "good size" plate for the wall and to use on the right occasions.