Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Since all the way back while working at Cleveland State, I have used various incarnations of a dot and dash design and in this case in black and white slip trailing. In a legal folder somewhere, I have a small scrap piece of paper which is about 2" by 3" with this design sketched out and near the top corner are the letters, R-O-M. In all honestly I can not for the life of me remember where I saw this design but my suspicion is that it was on some ancient or old pot at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.  I realize that when I tore the little scrap of paper it could be coincidence that it says ROM on it but I am comfortable enough with saying that this must be the genesis for the design I now use. I really like slip trailing this design as it works well around most round forms and it is nice to set up a group of pots and just go on auto-pilot until the slip trail bottle runs dry and is in need of refilling.