Monday, November 8, 2021


From a late September (2021) firing, illustrated is what I consider to be the best of the recent saffron and Hagi white glaze tests stepped up from pod to yunomi and to teabowl, you have to learn to crawl before you can walk. Though I actually tried out this glaze combo on a slightly larger jar, for whatever reason, the glaze and surface really popped on this waisted style teabowl with a wide array of effects that I am beginning to expect from this style. The secondary saffron, iron yellow glaze runs just enough to create a nice sense of movement adding a bit to the vertical nature of the piece with a nice palette of hues and textures scattered about the surface like a nice autumn landscape right down to the coloration with the inclusions in the clay adding even more visual punctuation.   

I have to admit that I am liking this surface and the activities it presents especially over the small batch clay that I am making with mixed sand in it. That being said the clay is a bit rough to throw but I am getting used to it and even with the inclusions it has a good degree of plasticity and certainly stands up rather well. I have become rather addicted to texture over the last handful of years and this clay with this surface or even my Oribe or Kuro-Oribe is perfect for the task. I have managed to find a source of good clean small stone that I may try mixing in to the clay body but I wonder at what point is enough, enough? I am thinking for the time being I may actually "hold fast' exactly where I am.