Monday, May 17, 2021


A couple of kiln loads back, I had thrown a few simple teabowls out of a porcelain test clay with a bit of grog added to it and here is one of the results. As I mentioned the form is rather simple though it was then scrapped to open up the clay a bit and then glazed in Oribe with a few additional additives sprayed over. I like the surface that I ended up just like  a punctuated lesson, activated by the grog popping out across the surface and the droozy nature of the glaze accentuating some of the unintentional vertical texture created by scrapping the piece with a metal rib. As you can see in the picture the foot acted as a glaze stop and collected up a dark, rich almost black Oribe ring that further accentuated that area, a pleasant yet unplanned benefit of using such a runny glaze. I think in that I ended up with a simple teabowl that still has quite a lot going on without having to alter or deform the shape and I am not sure if this was just skillful planning on my part or an abundance of serendipity and a reliance on a glaze that is next to fool-proof.