Wednesday, October 21, 2020


This is certainly an older and not great photo of a rather nice Tamba box that I got to take a look at quite a while back. This is my one and only photo of this covered box form by Nishibata Tadashi though it is only about 70 miles away and is in need of being revisited. Made in the late 1990s this box is of classic form, decoration and styling of a number of pieces that he made that at varying times evoke just smallest recollection of the paintings of some abstract expressionists. The robust hexagonal form just exudes power and the wonderfully puffed up top just conveys volume and a certain amount of dramatic tension that both bold intension and subtle details turn the ordinary in to the exceptional. I am also quite amazed at what would in description seem to imply a heavy form is in point of fact, strong yet light in terms of its visual presence, no easy feat to achieve. Though in many respects in stark contrast to much of Nishibata Tadashi's traditional pottery this piece easily fits within his body of work and his keen attention to the future of modern Tamba.