Friday, April 22, 2022


When I look at a Hagi glaze like that illustrated here part of me is reminded of an isolated snowfall or cherry petals set adrift in a stiff breeze but from time to time the inner sci-fi part of me sees illuminated neutrinos dancing about in some distant celestial event. However you wish to see or internalize this perfectly blushed surface punctuated by the purity of titanium crystals the effect is quite powerful and shows a mastery of clay, form, fire and chemistry which Kanta Masanao is well known for. Made using the kurinuki technique of turning blocks of clay into object, this chaire takes on a unique form that is well suited for both process and surface making for a rather organic and even sensual presentation and posture. As you can see in this two-vue photo, on the left the form is completed with a lid that compliments the form and is practical to use. On the right Kanta has provided a sculpted ivory lid the finish off the chaire in a traditional manner yet still playing on the organic ideal of the piece in general. I think as you look at this chaire in general that it represents a new face of Hagi and the possibilities for the tradition moving into the 21st century but as I study the piece all I can imagine is a space where this chaire and a chawan and mizusashi all of like mind and character are displayed, what a scene that would make.