Monday, August 19, 2024


There is a rather undeniable ferocity to the surface of this Shigaraki mizusashi by Niigata resident, Kon Chiharu. There is the ferocity of the pot itself standing up to the intense heat and velocity of flame and then there is the unmistakable ferocity contained within the kiln and process of the wood fired experience. The surface narrates a story of movement, determination, endurance and durability where ash adorns the pot and shows how it was fired and how potter choose clay and an ideal form to best appreciate the nature of its making. There is a simplicity to this hyotan inspired form, a form born of evolution has been co-opted in clay for its effective volume and scale. Due to all of its curves and sloping plains consciously thrown make for a wonderful canvas for the rich ash to paint its masterwork across the surface. The seemingly gravity defying ash adds drama, movement and certainly a rich landscape to a pot integral to a ritual ceremony that in many respects mirrors a similar ritual carried out between clay, potter and fire, one that is thousands of years old.