Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Recently I have been playing with an old amber glaze which I refered to as honey amber, it was over 50% Albany slip. Since there is no Albany slip I decided to make a new amber using materials I have in abundance and to be honest the results left the glaze just a bit flat, it was nice enough but I wanted more from the surface. As with most things I decided to give it the Oribe treatment and set about changing the percentages of materials in the formula as well as adding both a glaze and various oxide washes over the glazed surface.    

Illustrated is one of the first test cups photographed using two different light sources; tungsten bulb and your friend and mine, the Sun. Based on the old Albany formula which I believe came from Val Cushing, the new variant bares no actual similarity to the old recipe and I have been calling this surface, black honey amber. I have thrown a few teabowls to proof out the new surface and before the cyle is done will also likely throw a small covered jar as well. I know it seems like I take baby steps when it comes to upscaling tests but 1) always better safe than sorry and 2) making up 2000grams or more of a glaze that doesn't end up working gets old really, really fast.