Friday, April 17, 2020


I have this book that showcases modern craftsman in a variety of pursuits relating to Cha(no)yu and every time I pick it up I inevitably get stuck on this page. As the titles implies, this is neither my pot nor my photo but let's face it, it is an extremely fine example of the work of Kaneshige Michiaki and I felt compelled to share it. To be fair, there are a number of pieces both pottery and otherwise that can give you a moment's pause from this book but this chawan just speaks to me, it is ceramic poetry; lyrical and unencumbered shape, graceful and determined posture, excellent geometry of form and a surface that is as close to as good as it gets for Kaneshige Michiaki. The beauty of the narrative surface is that the firing does just the right amount of painterly addition without obscuring the purity of the form, a form that speaks to purpose and tradition while clearly noting its modern lineage. As I said, this is a pot that just resonates for me and I though, especially given our very unusual and trying times there is nothing better than sharing.