Monday, April 27, 2020


I am sure, despite where you live or what religion you practice, most people have seen or heard this Bible quote; "Man shall not live by bread alone."  (Matthew 4:4) In recent times it has become rather clear that as we try to sequester ourselves at home that the things that we actually run out of the quickest are fresh vegetables and bread of one form or another. As these stocks are gobbled up we find ourselves needing to make a quick trek out for basic staples to the grocery store and bakery. I recently remarked in an email exchange with a former student that potteries and bakeries are my two favorite places to go, both remind me of home and usually are extremely comforting so the bakery is a must stop.

On our trip out we finished at our local bakery, The White Rose Bakery (Little Falls) and picked up a baguette, a loaf of rye bread, several hard rolls and two cinnamon fritters. the fritters were fresh, warm, just out of the oven with the frosting yet to fully harden as you see in the photo. Once home they were placed in this medium sized and faceted bowl to wait out their short life span, a nice desert to the garlic shrimp pasta which was accompanied by a third of the baguette doubling as garlic bread. It may be true that you can't live on bread alone but it is a commodity in most households that many are dependent on and we are thankful for all those continuing there essential jobs of providing comfort in the way of tasty carbs.