Friday, August 30, 2024


Inviting, satisfying, rich, warm; these are just a few words that spring to mind as I am looking at this Shino chawan by Tamaoki Yasuo. Real or imagined, I have a strong connection to the potter and his work from various trips to Japan where he was on the list of potters to visit on our very first trip to Japan in 1990. This Aka-Shino chawan is early work by Tamaoki though it clearly has a place of distinction among his many decades of dedication to a tradition where ideals and archetypes give way to voice and vision forging a pathway to one's own style while adding to centuries of what has come before. The simple, curving  form terminates at a well conceived kodai and an undulating lip that bookends the surface composed of a rich iron slip influencing the glaze, creating a mottled rich, iron red and areas of thicker white accents all boundaried by the myriad of crawling pathways giving way to the wet, iron below. It is quite easy for me to articulate my interest in the works of Tamaoki Yasuo, he has a lifetime perfecting an alliance between clay, form, surface and fire, creating works that are never easy to overlook and rarely fail to live an impression.

Invitation (by Shel Silverstein)

If you are a dreamer, come in

If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,

A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...

If you're a pretender, come sit by the fire

For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.

Come in!
Come in!