Tuesday, November 21, 2023


In the lead up to getting pots made as orders and for holiday sales, I made quite a few of the "blanks" necessary for several different designs in the medium and small square tray forms. Illustrated is one of about a dozen sets of the Falling Leaves pattern that I made though they are not sold as sets but left to the customer to decide what to buy or combine at their discretion or as the Bard may posit, "set or not to set". Though making the molded pieces can take some time as I can made three medium and three small trays a day, decorating them works quite well as a series. Once the thin black slip is dry, the yellow, green and red leaves are apllied and then quickly detail, sgraffito style and before you know it the dozen pieces are ready for the bisque fire. Working in a series make quite a lot of sense at the end of the day but as you can imagine, making sense is not exactly a mantra of my way of working and along with patience is something always in very short supply here.