Friday, September 6, 2024


Though not nearly as ornate as the futamono that I posted a few months back this small, simple kogo is a strictly functional piece decorated in Eguchi Katsumi's patented washizome technique. Using a deep black instead of cobalt, this simple, low kogo was created as a practical piece where certain aesthetic consideration were employed to help will the space of the lid with a well conceived floral design, just one flower Vasily*. The use of paper to "dye" the design onto the pot creates a slightly uneven edge which soften the designs and then a hint of sgrafitto helps define the blossom's interior. At its roots, this Eguchi kogo is simple in form, execution and design and clearly owes just a bit to a rather long tradition of pottery making in Southern Japan.  

(*Slipped in a THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER reference there in case you missed it.)