I opened the kiln this morning and it took a while to cool down and unload. The Minspar 200 results are the most promising. For my clear glaze a nearly 1 to 1 substitution worked out well. For the clear over other glaze it also worked out quite well, but when you put other glazes over the new Minspar 200 clear glaze, the glazes run quite badly. Not sure how bad it will be on a larger pot, that will remain to be seen. For now, the early test results seem to indicate the Minspar 200 is a good replacement with just a bit more Minspar 200 in the glaze than the old F-4. The rest of the kiln came out fine with the new “bloesem bowls” coming out rather well.
Further testing will have to wait until I make the trek to the pottery supply house. I just went to pick up clay and some other materials, so it will likely be 6 to 8 weeks before I do full scale trials on larger pots. I will keep you updated.