Monday, April 24, 2023


I am sure that some collectors may wonder what is the fascination with Kato Yoshiaki and his sharkskin Shino glaze? I wish I had a really good or witty answer to that question but I don't, what I do know is that there is something visceral that I respond to, it is an aesthetic generally outside of the norm. The application of the iron, thick feldspathic Shino and the addition of ash from the wood fire creates a living texture that has an appeal to the most of the senses from the moment it is handled, put to the lip and functions as was intended. Along the way the topography of the surface is like a distant landscape filled with ruts and canyons that act as a guide on a journey around the form, even one as small as this guinomi. What more can you ask for than a pot that functions as intended pleases the eye and adds to the experience of its use, that may be the simplest trifecta of fired clay.