Monday, October 18, 2021


This is a simple project that started with an email and then several more, it takes two people to get a project started and for me it takes two to get the exact right feel that I am after. Admittedly, neither look all that interesting at the moment but hopefully when fired it will be a different story. The idea for this jar was a small illustration from a comic book of all places and is intended as a gift and the customer is still considering the surface which will be one of four possible glaze combinations, hopefully the first try will be the charm. If the first jar works out than I will have the second jar to  glaze in a different surface at some future point and if you never see these again, well I bet you can guess the outcome! I like these odd out of left field projects, nothing all that complicated and I do like to throw and getting a commission to come right together from concept to completed piece is its own reward even if this doesn't allow me to buy a remote island somewhere near Fiji.    

"It takes two to make a thing go right, It takes two to make it outta sight...." Rob Base