Wednesday, March 27, 2019


A while back I had a rather nice Oribe mizusashi in hand that a collector was parting with and I managed to take quite a few photos of the piece which I will eventually turn in to a slideshow video. The mizusashi is by Higashida Shigemasa and the interior perspective photo illustrated here captures the wondrous and almost eerie iridescence that was created through all of the glaze pooling at the bottom of the pot and the copper trapped at the surface.  As you look around the interior of the pot there are so many varying effects, like a light show that are to be seen depending on the angle and light source from the mentioned iridescence to thick blankets of speckled copper-blue pools with crystals manifesting on the surface. It is a shame that there are so many pots we are both familiar with and only getting acquainted with and their mysteries are hidden under lids and lurking on the unseen sides of photographs. I hope this adds a small dimension to this mizusashi by Higashida and the ever expanding possibilities of, in this case Oribe pottery.