Monday, April 19, 2021


Today is that day, an essential part of making pottery without actually making pottery, this Monday was glaze day. I spent some spare moments over the weekend making a plan for Monday which involved making up 4 glazes as well as a glaze base for a number of tests I plan on running in the next firing and what you see is for the testing phase. I made the glazes in half batches to top off my temmoku, Oribe, clear and iron glazes while I wait on some pots to finish drying to decorate some and bisque the group together with several thousand grams of material that needs to be calcined at cone 06. With the music playing DEAD CAN DANCE I am sometimes reminded of making glazes at other times and places, like back at Plattsburgh State just a week into making pots, at Cleveland State where Dick would ask "what now? " at Haystack and various other co-ops over the years all leaving me in a bit of a glaze daze. Making glazes is not exactly making pots but where would I be without them? I suspect in some other fringe pursuit though I am not sure it would be quite as satisfying at the end of the day as making pots and the glazes to best suit them.