Friday, January 5, 2018


I just put together this short video slideshow of a very nice Iga tokkuri which i received as a thoughful Christmas gift. made by Kojima Kenji who specializes in Ko-Iga pottery, the unique aspect of this piece is that it matches a very fine guinomi also by Kojima and both pieces were made at exactly the same time according to the enclosed bio in each box. I know that people are probably thinking this "ain't necessarily so" but if you consider the infrequency that an anagama is fired, the chances are very good that both pieces, made at the same time, fired in the same kiln and sold at different venues both ended up at the same place over a decade later for a nice, if not belated reunion. By happenstance or cosmic design, the other feature that unites these two pieces is the emerald jewel like bidoro drip that hangs off both pots which were fired on their sides. Coincidence, I don't think so, please enjoy.

IT AIN"T NECASSARILY SO; Henderson and Sting:

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