Monday, February 19, 2018


I have mentioned previously that after my first trip to Japan, I became interested in bells as a form more than as the functional object. If you look at bells from ancient China and medieval Japan, the forms, decoration and construction of these objects is wonderful with such a wide variety all created for the nearly exactly the same purpose. Using the dotaku bell form as a starting point, I like making these thrown and altered pieces and in this case, a simple piece with an incised grasses pattern under my rich lepidolite Oribe. In making this piece, I tried to keep the lines crisp, forming graduated angles and then added lugs to either side of the pot and a thrown neck/mouth to complete the pot. Due to my shortage of materials, the glaze was sparingly and carefully brushed on to the piece once bisque with areas receiving a secondary coat around the shoulder, neck and mouth. I thought this pot came out rather well and that was the sole reason that I found the pot lepidolite worthy, as the matrial runs out I will have to be more and more selective as to where it should be used and in the mean time, the testing to get a closer version of this glaze moves ever forward.

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