Friday, June 22, 2012


Currently, at the Erskin, Hall & Coe Gallery in London, England from  June 13th - July 22nd 2012, Shigaraki pioneer and legendary potter, Kohyama Yasuhisa is having an exhibition of his work. The works range from his iconic "wind" objects to totemic sculpture and Yayoi and Sueki influenced intimate objects perfect for any collection or habitat. The exhibit is comprised of 27 pieces which span a several year period of Kohyama-san's works and also showcase a wide array of styles, surfaces and forms. If there is anything I could add about the brilliant works of Kohyama Yasuhisa, it is that they stand out of time and illuminate what is possible within the  feudal tradition of Shigaraki ceramics.

The exhibition can be seen at the following link;

Further, a nice pdf catalogue of the pieces with several short essays can be downloaded at this link;

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