Friday, March 1, 2019


Nesting on a kitchen shelf this illustrated set is a contemporary spin on the Sueki style by Tsujimura Yui, son of Tsujimura Shiro and a wiz at a rather unique Shigaraki styled firing. This photo was taken back in 2012 at the home of Alice and Halsey North when my wife and I visited along with a small group from JASA and has been sitting on the hard drive along with dozens of other images from that time. I was impressed at the unique balance of the ancient and modern in Yui's work which is clearly represented in this set composed of classic lines, great clay texture and just the right amount of ash effects. Like his father's pottery, there is nothing ostentatious or off putting about Tsujimura Yui's pieces, they are warm and inviting and as you can clearly see they just ask to be handled and used as frequently as possible.

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