Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I was looking around the internet and though I may be a bit late to the realization, the web is truly a remarkable place, you can find and see things that just a few short years ago would have taken quite a bit of effort to do so. As my wife and I often remark, you are always just one click away from something you weren't even looking for and enter, stage left, this photo. Obviously not my photo and not of the greatest quality as it was photographed behind glass is what appears to be a sizable bowl by Araki Mikijiro decorated in a similar manner to the one that I put up a while back. The form and glaze is very similar to the one I had here with only a very slight variation in the decoration. For a large number of potters there is a rather simple conclusion that most always applies, if you see one piece than it is quite likely there are quite a number more and this bowl certainly substantiates that this is more than a theory.

"A theory must be tempered with reality."  Jawaharlal Nehru

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