Monday, March 23, 2020


I should mention that the current situation has a rather far reaching, ripple effect indiscriminately across the board. Pots I started working on in the last month will likely not have anywhere to go for the foreseeable future as galleries close in an abundance of caution. I will finish off what I am working on and get the pieces processed but will likely put on my experimentation hat to work on some tests and ideas that have been percolating lately and maybe something positive will come out of this down time.

Freshly tooled, slipped and carved, this medium size XOXO covered jar was thrown out of my troublesome terra cotta and is now set to dry slowly over the next week or so. The lid is finished with a rather accentuated silhouette knob which I first starting using as far back as Cleveland State while using thick slabs that were heavily stamped, paddled and carved for a series of rather large covered pieces that I was making. The one thing that is undeniable about these knobs is that no matter the scale of one's hands/fingers, even in oven mitts, it is easy to get a good grip and depending on the silhouette, it cast an a rather striking and unique shadow. I have made about a half dozen of these covered pieces with a total of three different knobs, each hopefully tying in with the form and decoration, I will try to remember to post a picture of the finished piece once it is glazed and fired.

1 comment:

  1. my word that is a beauty, love the handle and deco, I thought it was finished, love the matt look
